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Cois Cycling Ride Fast Drink Slow Bidon
Cois Cycling Ride Fast Drink Slow Bidon

Cois Cycling Ride Fast Drink Slow Bidon

Our water bottle (500cc) has a membrane lid that can be twisted open and close with one quick and easy move.
When the bottle is locked, you cannot drink from it and its content cannot leak out, which is ideal when the bottle is stored in your bag.
When the bottle is ‘open’, it is constantly ready for use; to drink from the bottle, a simple squeeze suffices. Only when you squeeze the bottle, the liquid will come out in exactly the right quantity.
In addition, the membrane system ensures the bottle’s content doesn’t leak out.
Our water bottle (500cc) has a membrane lid that can be twisted open and close with one quick and easy move.
When the bottle is locked, you cannot drink from it and its content cannot leak out, which is ideal when the bottle is stored in your bag.
When the bottle is ‘open’, it is constantly ready for use; to drink from the bottle, a simple squeeze suffices. Only when you squeeze the bottle, the liquid will come out in exactly the right quantity.
In addition, the membrane system ensures the bottle’s content doesn’t leak out.

Constructed in cotton sweat fabric, this lovely piece, lacus eu mattis auctor, dolor lectus venenatis nulla, at tristique eros sem vel ante. Sed leo enim, iaculis ornare tristique non, vulputate sit amet ante. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

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